Reflections from the Pew 16

Free Church & Manse on OS map 1:1,250/1:2,500 1944-1970
War – 3 telegrams, 3 weeks of anguish, a lifetime of grief.

16th October 1914
From: Secretary, War Office
To: Hewitt, St Colme, Aberdour, Fife
Regret to inform you that 2nd Lieut W.G. Hewitt Royal Scotts is reported missing on 13th October. This does not necessarily mean he is killed or wounded. Further information when received will be telegraphed as soon as possible.

18th October 1914
From: Secretary, War Office
To: Hewitt, St Colme, Aberdour, Fife
Regret to inform you that 2nd Lieut W.G. Hewitt Royal Scotts is now reported wounded. Further information when received will be telegraphed as soon as possible.

5th November 1914
From: Secretary, War Office
To: Hewitt, St Colme, Aberdour, Fife
Regret to inform you that 2nd Lieut W.G. Hewitt Royal Scotts was killed in action 14 October. Lord Kitchener expresses his sympathy.

On 26th October a 4th telegram was received to say the older brother had been killed in action.

More information on the Hewitt brothers is available here.