News update

From 19th July with the relaxing of the Covid-19 restrictions 60 people can now attend church.

As you may know Peter has been off sick since the beginning of May. He is currently awaiting a hospital appointment. There is no news as to when he will return to work.

In the meantime, Presbytery has appointed Morag Crawford – Deaconess at Rosyth, as our Interim Moderator. In Peter’s continuing absence Morag is the person to speak to regarding weddings, baptism, funeral, pastoral matters, etc., in fact anything you may have had occasion to contact Peter about. She can be contacted via the Acting Session Clerk.

John Gordon has resigned as Session Clerk and Catherine Duncan and Bill Henderson have taken over the role until a replacement is appointed.

There has been little progress with discussions with neighbouring churches on Presbytery’s plans to reduce the number of buildings and the number of ministries. Discussions started , then they were put on hold for a year, discussions should restart again soon.