Website review of 2020

One of the website design criteria was to provided information and news to the congregation and the local and wider community. The website going live coincided with the start of Covid-19, therefore the main use of the website has been to provide online church services. These have accounted for 40% of the page views, the other pages, news and events made up the other 60%.

Top 10 Web pages – page views:

  1. Home
  2. News
  3. Worship
  4. Events
  5. Family Fun
  6. Reopening (booking instructions)
  7. Gallery
  8. Contact
  9. Giving
  10. Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals

Top 10 News items – page views:

  1. Christian Aid – Norman
  2. Christmas Services
  3. Church Reopening
  4. Songs of Praise – August
  5. St. Fillan’s Crosier – October
  6. Virtual Family Fun Week
  7. Christmas Songs of Praise
  8. Remembrance Sunday – information
  9. Route-Map out of lockdown
  10. The Nativity Window

The Church of Scotland had produced a list of their top 13 news articles from 2020, it can be viewed here.

Other information is shown below:

The above graph shows weekly spikes when the website is accessed.

The above table shows that the website is mainly accessed on a Sunday morning & evening – to view the online service.

The final table shows the location of users, as expected most are from the UK. The website was viewed in 33 countries.

The data is from 19th April to 31st December 2020.