Notices for Sunday 13th October

Today our service will be led by Mark Evans.

Next week the service will be led by the worship group – Eric & Sue

  • There will be an update from the nominating committee soon.
  • The Harvest Appeal in aid of The Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution raised £520.
  • Presbytery has asked us, in light of the forthcoming debate on Assisted Dying in the Scottish Parliament, to have a conversation about it – see here.
  • The Christian Aid Concert will be held on 19th October at Dalgety – more.
  • We had 221 visitors (and 5 dogs) to St Fillan’s during the Doors Open Days. You can still do the self guided tour of important gravestones.
  • Read how the Presbytery Plan is working at St Leonard’s, Dunfermline and Linktown, Kirkcaldy – here and also how it is working in Kirkcaldy with Hope Church here.
  • The next St Fillan’s Monthly coffee and scones will be on Thursday 7th November – see here.
  • The latest Reflections from the Pew is available here – now looking at the ‘Top Ten’ Characters in the New Testament. At number 1 is Paul.