
Aberdour War Memorial – WW1 People

Private Robert Dickson ANDERSON – Dragoon Guards CWGC
Born 25th May 1891, 7, Fort Place, Leith to Alexander Anderson (Railway signalman) and his wife Georgina (nee Dickson).
Lived at 2 Lily Place, Aberdour, 1901 & 1911 census.
Died 22nd March 1915, age 23, York.

2nd Lieutenant William Ballantyne

2nd Lieutenant William BALLANTYNE – Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) Life Story & CWGC
Born 1890 Peebleshire to John and Christina Ballantyne. more & more.
Lived at Cottage House, Ladyurd, Kirkurd, Peebleshire, 1901.
Father worked as a Park Keeper at Park End, Donibristle, 1914/15 Register of Voters.
Died  13th October 1915, age 25. Killed at Hulluch, on the final day of active battle during the Battle of Loos.
Also on War Memorial at Kirkud and Peebles.

Able Seaman John CARSCADDEN – Royal Naval Reserve
Born John McGlashan (illegitimate) to Annie McGlashan (Domestic servant) on 5th May 1894 at 123 King Street, Crieff. Corrected entry to his Birth certificate, named Alexander McMahon (farm servant) of Lawhill by Auchterarder as the father. In 1897 she married Andrew Carscadden (ploughman) at Crieff.
Lived (as son) at Dornock Mill House, Crieff, Perthshire, 1901 census.
Lived at Westerhall Farm, Muckhart as a cattleman. His step-father and remainder of family are at Newtown, Tulliallan, 1911 census.
Joined the Royal Naval Reserve as an Able Seaman.
Died 19th May 1918, age 24, of Pulmonary Tuberculosis at Merryhill Farm, Charlestown.
Parents then lived at Scots Mill, Inverkeithing, then lived at Croftgary, Aberdour, 1920 Register of Voters.
He never lived in Aberdour but his parents were at Croftgarry when the War Memorial was unveiled.
Also on Limekilns & Charlestown War Memorial

Gunner Walter CONNELLEY – Royal Garrison Artillery Life Story & CWGC
Born 2nd August 1879, Easter Aberdour, to Walter Connelley (Gunner Royal Artillery) and his wife Agnes (nee Livingston).
Lived at First Floor, High Street, Aberdour, with his mother, 1881 census.
Lived at same address, father (Gatekeeper) now with the family, 1891 census.
Lived at Donibristle Lodge, Aberdour with family. Walter age 22, is a crane driver, 1901 census.
Lived at 3 Manse Place with mother and younger brother Robert, 1911 census.
Joined army on 14th November 1915, age 36, when working as a quarryman.
Admitted to hospital 5th May 1917 & 28th May 1917.
Died Killed in action 11th September, age 38 1917, Belgium.

Private John CUNNINGHAM – Royal Scots Life Story & CWGC
Born 17th February 1894, Easter Aberdour to Robert Baxter Cunningham (Jobbing gardener) and his wife Jemima (nee Fowler).
Lived at Aberdour Castle, 1901 census.
Lived at Crow’s Building, Aberdour, 1911 census.
Joined army on the 23rd December 1914, was working as a grocer in Torryburn.
Died Killed in action through shrapnel on the first day of the battle of the Somme, 1st July 1916, age 22, France.
Father was the Parish Church Officer.

Private John CUTHILL – Royal Irish Rifles Life Story & CWGC
Born 18th November 1891, North of Armadale, Linlithgowshire to John Cuthill (Bakers vanman) and his wife Isabella (nee Fowler).
Parents lived at Forresters Arms, 11 High Street, Aberdour, 1901 census.
Family (less John) lived at Shore Road, Aberdour, 1911 census.
Wounded and missing (captured) 24th March 1918.
Died of wounds while in German hands 2nd April 1918, age 26, mother then living at Kirk Houses, Aberdour.

Lance Corporal (Private) G DOWNIE – Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) Life story
Born 4th January 1892 at Todhall, Dairsie to John Downie (Ploughman) and his wife Mary Ann Bayner Downie (nee Knox).
Lived at Cast in the Parish of Leuchars, 1901 Census.
Lived at Bothy, Longate Cottages, Dalachy, Aberdour, 1911 census.
Joined army when living at Bridge of Earn.
Wounded on the assault on the German trenches Southwest of Beaumont-Hamel 13th November 1916.
Wounded a second time during operations in October 1917.
Wounded and missing (captured) on the assault by the German Army of the 21st – 26th March 1918, age 26, captured at the Beaumetz-Morchies line.
Died of his wounds whilst in their hands and was buried by them in Beaumetz-les-Cambrai cemetery.
His name was a late addition to the War Memorial. 

(Sergeant) Driver George (William) Munro DREW – Army Service Corps Life StoryCWGC
Born 5th March 1890, Cullen, Banff to Joseph Hutton Drew (China dealer) and his wife Jane (nee Munro).
Married Isabella Currie (domestic servant) on 16th December 1910 at High Street, Aberdour.  3 Children Jane, Beatrice and Isabella.

Joined army on 30th September 1914.
Died of Broncho Pneumonia 24th January 1919, age 28, Cairo, Egypt.

Private Albert George EDWARDS – Royal Scots Life Story & CWGC
Born 1st January 1895 at The Gardens, Westwood, Livingstone, County of Linlithgow to Andrew Edwards (Gardener) and his wife Sarah (nee Lewis).
Lived at 6, Otterston Gardens Aberdour, 1901 & 1911 census.
Died 20 September 1917, age 22, 3rd battle of Ypres, Belgium.
Also on Dalgety Bay War Memorial.

Sapper Robert EWING – Royal Engineers Life Story & CWGC
Born 8th November 1891 at Moonziehall, Aberdour, to Robert Ewing (Farmer) and his wife Cecilia (nee Braid).
Lived at North Duloch Red Inn, Inverkeithing, 1901 Census.
Lived at Gibbs Building, Crossgates, Dunfermline, (stoker with a railway company), 1911 census.
Died Killed in Action 20th July 1916, age 24, at the Somme offence, France.
Parents lived at Burnside Terrace, Crossgates, Fife.
Also on Crossgates War Memorial

Private William FISHER – Machine Gun corps CWGC
Born 21st June 1894 at Keirs, Largo, Fife to William Fisher (Farmer) and his wife Jane (nee Williamson).
Lived at 3 Lily Place (Main St) Aberdour father now a quarryman, 1901 & 1911 census.
Joined the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, transferred to the Machine Gun Corps.
Died Killed in action, 21st March 1918, France at the start of the German offensive.
His mother enquired through the Red Cross if he was a prisoner but received a negative reply.

Private David FULTON – Royal Scots Life Story & CWGC
Born 29th December 1893 at Balmule, Aberdour to John Fulton (Farmer) and his wife Elizabeth (nee Templeton).
Lived at Balmule Farm House, Aberdour, 1901 census.
Family (without David) lived at 27 Hill Street, Inverkeithing, 1911 census.
Joined army on 12th November 1915.
Died Killed in action 15 July 1916, age 24, France. Buried by his comrades, but after extensive artillery shelling no body found on exhumation.

Private Hudson Bertie GREENFIELD – Gordon Highlanders Life Story & CWGC
Born 1898 at Devonport, Devon to Albert Greenfield (Locomotive engine driver) and his wife Laura (nee Renton).
Lived at 54, St Levan Road, Devonport, Stoke Damerel, Devon, which was Laura’s widowed sister Emma’s house, 1901 census.
Lived with his mother at 15, Kensington Terrace, Devonport, 1911 census.
Enlisted at Dunfermline into the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, later transferred to Gordon Highlanders.
Died Killed in action 1st September 1917, Belgium.
His name was a late addition to the War Memorial.

Lance Corporal James HALDANE – Royal Scots Life Story & CWGC
Born 2nd November 1895 at 93 New Row, Dunfermline to Richard Haldane (Coachman) and his wife Mary (nee Rorke).
Lived at Priory Lane, Dunfermline, 1901 census.
Lived at Cockairnie Gardens, Dalgety, 1911 census.
Joined army on 12th January 1915.
Wounded at the Battle of Loos, 25th September 1915, he sustained a gun shot wound to the tongue & jaw. Discharged Medically Unfit on the 27th August 1916.
Died 12th April 1917, age 21 at home, Cockairnie, Aberdour. Buried Dunfermline cemetery.
Also on Dalgety Bay War Memorial.

Sapper James Mitchell HALDANE – Royal Engineers Life Story & CWGC
Born 21st December 1895 at Easter Aberdour to James Haldane (Farm labourer) and his wife Catherine (nee Mitchell).
Lived at 87 Netherton Broad Street, Dunfermline, 1901 census.
Lived at 4 Old Manse, Aberdour, 1911 census.
Joined army on 30th January 1915. Was working with Alexander Mitchell, Joiner, Cabinet Maker & Undertaker, 32 Maygate, Dunfermline.
While with the Balkan Expeditionary Force in Salonika in 1916, admitted to Field Hospital in June/July with Dysentery.
Died Initially reported missing, then officially considered died, 24th January 1918, age 23, Greece.
The two Haldanes were cousins.

Lieutenant James Francis Hewitt

Lieutenant James Francis HEWITT – Scottish Rifles Life Story & CWGC
Born 23rd January 1888 at Gatehouse of Fleet more, Kirkcudbrightshire to Hon William James Hewitt (Factor) and his wife Evelyn Frances (nee Carey).
Lived at Rosebank, Gatehouse, Kirkcudbrightshire, 1891 census
Education Winchester School, Winchester, Hampshire, 1901 census.
Education Haileybury Public School near Hertford.
Parents lived at St Colme House, Aberdour, father factor for Earl of Moray from 1904.
Joined Army 26th February 1908.
Education Sandhurst then served in India for a year,
Lived at Harrismith, Orange Free State, South Africa (with Scottish Rifles), 1911 forces census.
Died 26th October 1914 age 26. Killed in Action Shot by sniper fire, Le Boutillerie, Ypres, France.
See also The Hewitt Brothers
Also on Dalgety Bay & Anwoth & Girthon War Memorial.

2nd Lieutenant William George HEWITT – Royal Scots Life Story & CWGC
Born 7th June 1892 at Gatehouse of Fleet more, Kirkcudbrightshire to Hon William James Hewitt (Factor) and his wife Evelyn Frances (nee Carey).
Education Edinburgh Academy 1906 – 1911.
Lived at St Colme House, Aberdour, father factor for Earl of Moray from 1904, 1911 census.
Education Divinity and Rural Economics, Christ College, Oxford University, September 1911 – June 1914.
Joined army on 6th August 1914, 2 days after war was declared.
Died Killed in Action 14th October 1914, age 22, at the first battle of Ypres. Initially reported as missing, then wounded, then dead. Father wrote many letters to the War Office seeking news and some personal effects.
See also The Hewitt brothers
Also on Dalgety Bay & Anwoth & Girthon War Memorial & Edinburgh Academy Roll of Honour & Christ Church College Memorial.

William McGregor

Sergeant John William KERR – Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Life Story & CWGC
Born 15th December 1895 at Viewforth Cottage, Aberdour to William Morrison Kerr (Master mariner) and his wife Isabella Kerr (nee Clark).
Lived at 8 Manse St., Aberdour, 1901 census.
Lived at Oatridge, Aberdour, 1911 census.
Lived in Brechin, working as a Bank Accountant, when joined army on 2nd December 1915.
Admitted to Dressing Station with Inflammation of left knee, 22nd January 1917.
Wounded with a Gun Shot Wound to the Right hand on the 24th April 1917.
Died Killed in action 30 May 1918, age 22, in action at Arras, France.

Private John LUMSDEN – Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) CWGC
Born 7th August 1890 to John Lumsden (Railway surfaceworker) and his wife Elizabeth (nee Stewart) at Crow Row, at St. Peter, Dundee.
Lived at 1 Smalls Wynd, St. Peter, Dundee, Forfarshire, 1901 census.
Lived at the Old Manse, Aberdour as a lodger with the Ness family (see below), 1911 census.
Died Killed in Action on or after 31st July 1917, age 26, initially reported wounded, then wounded and missing.
Mother living at Lower Main St., Strathkinnes, St. Andrews, Fife.
Also on Strathkinnes War Memorial.
He may have joined up at the same time as James Ness.

Private George MASSON – Highland Light Infantry Life Story  & CWGC
Born 9th February 1897 at Kirkton Auchterhouse, Forfar to Alexander Kidd Masson (Farm servant) and his wife Margaret Mitchell (nee Easton).
Lived at Scotscraig Mains Cottar House, Ferry Port on Craig, Fife, 1901 census.
1905 was at Wormit Public School, 1906 at Tayport Public School.
Lived at Dalachy Farm, Aberdour, 1911 census.
Died Killed in Action 18th November 1916, age 19, at one of the last battles of the Somme for 1916, France.

Private John Lochie MASTERTON – Highland Light Infantry Life Story & CWGC
Born 11th November 1893 at Coal Wynd, Aberdour to Margaret Masterton (Outdoor worker). She had been married and widowed twice before he was born illegitimately.
Lived at 45 High Street, Aberdour with his mother (domestic servant) and half brothers Alexander Henderson 24yrs and James West 16yrs, 1901 census.
Lived at Robertsons Building, Aberdour with his half-brother James West (Head) and his mother, 1911 census.
Died Killed in Action 9th September 1917, age 24, Belgium.
Mother lived at Livingston Lane, Aberdour, In 1918 at age 63 she married Andrew Cant.
See The Masterton family and John Lochie Masterton.

Private William McGREGOR – Gordon Highlanders Life Story & CWGC

William McGregor
William McGregor

Born 12th November 1899 at Hillend, Inverkeithing to John McGregor (Fish hawker) and his wife Annie (nee Brown).
Lived at Hillend, 1901 census.
Lived at Crows Building, Aberdour. Father now a vanman dealing in scrap iron, 1911 census.
Joined army on 4th January 1918, working as a carter at the Carlingnose Granite Company, Aberdour.
Died Killed in action 26 July 1918, age 18, France.
Mother now lived at Williamsons Buildings, High St., Aberdour, she died November 4th 1943, age 67 in 8 Manse Place, Aberdour.

Captain Percy Lionel Moubray

Captain Percy Lionel MOUBRAY – Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)  Life StoryIWM Photo & CWGC
Born  3rd August 1872, Dalgety, Fife to Capt. W. H. Moubray, R.N. and his wife Adeline (nee Babington), of Otterston House, Cockairnie, Fife.
Lived at 7 Belgrave Crescent, St Cuthberts, Midlothian, 1881 & 1891 census.
Education Loretto High School, Edinburgh 1884-1890 ‘He entered the Black Watch in 1899 and served in South Africa, being captured by the enemy in 1900 and shortly afterwards released.’ more
Lived at Court Lodge, Aldington, Hythe, Kent, with older brother Ernest Charles, 1901 census.
Parents lived at Otterston House, Cockairnie, Fife, 1911 census.
Died 29th October 1914 age 42. Killed in Action – Shot dead where he stood, in his trench. Hooge, Belgium.
Also on Dalgety Bay War Memorial.

Private James NESS – Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)  Life Story & CWGC
Born 29th November 1891 at Sommerville Street, Burntisland to James Ness (Carter) and his wife Christina Knox (nee Haxton). Father dies in 1894 age 44.
Lived at Old Manse, Aberdour, 1901 census.
Lived at Old Manse, Aberdour, with John Lumsden as a lodger (see above), 1911 census.
Landed in Salonika 24th November 1915.
Died of wounds Salonika, Greece 10th May 1917, age 25.

Able Seaman Edward John NEWDICK – Royal Navy Life Story  & CWGC
Born 17th April 1889, Baldock, Hertfordshire to William Frank (Blacksmith) and Annie Worker Newdick.
Lived at High Street, Baldock, Hertfordshire, in 1911 working as a groom, 1891 – 1911 census.
Lived at 8 Lily Place (Main St.), Aberdour 25th May 1915.
Married to Jane Ann Knowles.
Ship HMS Triumph – battleship more
Died Killed in action at sea as a result of enemy action – torpedoed in the Dardanelles. Body was never recovered 25th May 1915, age 26.

Private William PATERSON – Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) Life Story & CWGC
Born 2nd August 1882 at 49 James Street, Alva, Stirlingshire, to William Paterson (Woollen heaver) and his wife Elizabeth (nee Christie).
Lived at 57 James Street, Alva, working as a woollen power loom tender, 1901 census.
Marries Mary Ann Campbell (fruiterers assistant) on the 3rd January 1911.
Lived at High Street, Aberdour, working as a fruiterer, 1911 census.
Died 31st July 1917, age 34, on the attack on the Frezenberg Ridge as part of 3rd Ypres offensive.

Sergeant John REDPATH – Gordon Highlanders Life Story & CWGC
Born 7th January 1894 at Fala & Soustra, Midlothian to John Redpath (Shepherd) and his wife Joanna Jane (nee Turnbull).
Lived at Corstorphine, 1901 census.
Lived at Auchtertool with brother at uncle and aunt’s farm house, 1911 census.
Died 2nd April 1916, age 22. Belgium.
Son of John and Jeanie Redpath, of “Glenshee,” Aberdour.

Private Frederick Alexander STEWART MM – Royal Scots Life Story & CWGC
Born 3rd October 1897 at Roseburn Terrace, Edinburgh to Frank John Stewart (Commercial traveller) and his wife Cecilia (nee Millar).
Lived at 12 Warrender Park Terrace, Morningside, Edinburgh with his Aunt, 1901 census.
Lived at 62 Lavender Gardens, Newcastle on Tyne, 1911 census.
Working for National Bank of Scotland as an apprentice at its Kirkcaldy branch, April 1914 age 16.
An absent voter from his Aunt’s at Seabank House, Aberdour, 1918 – 1919 Register of Voters.
Joined army May 1916.
Wounded in May 1918.
Awarded the Military Medal as a company runner for conspicuous bravery.
Died Killed in Action 24th August 1918, age 20, in the attack on the Hindenberg Line.
Commemorated on the War Memorial at the RBS Head Office Gogarburn, Edinburgh.

Lance Corporal John TURNBULL – Royal Scots Fusiliers Life Story & CWGC
Born 20th October 1896 at Dalachy Cottages, Aberdour to John Turnbull (Farm servant ploughman) and his wife Mary (nee Wishart).
Lived at The Murrel, 1901 Census.
Lived at Pleasants Cottages, Dalgety, 1911 census.
Lived at Remiltoun Farm, Torryburn when joined army on 18th February 1916.
Admitted to field ambulance with trench fever on 19th April 1917.
Died 26th September 1917, age 20, at the Battle of Passchendaele, Belgium, initially listed as missing in action
His mother, living at Croftgary, Aberdour, enquired through the Red Cross if he was a prisoner but received a negative reply.

The following people are connected with Aberdour but do not appear on the War Memorial.

Private Alexander ERSKINE – Seaforth Highlanders Life Story & CWGC
Born 1885.
Died Between 12 May 1917 and 16 May 1917, age 32, France.
Son of Alexander Erskine, of Burdie House, Loanhead, Midlothian, and the late Margaret Hill Erskine.
Husband of Jessie Spears Pulsford (formerly Erskine), of Cedar Lea, Easter Aberdour.

Sub Lieutenant Ralph Lacy GORDON – Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve Life Story & CWGC
Born East Sheen, Surrey 1882.
Served at HMS Tarlair. more
Died 19th June 1918, age 36. Aberdour (St Fillan’s church hall) Cemetery.

2nd Lieutenant Andrew David Aitkin SHORT – Lancashire Fusiliers Life Story & CWGC
Born 1895.
Died 26 March 1918, age 23, France.
Son of Mrs. A. Short, of The Stables, Otterston, Aberdour.
On Dalgety Bay War Memorial.

This information was obtained from the Imperial War Museum’s Lives of the First World War and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Additional information from Jose Eglinton. Please send any corrections and/or additions to [email protected]

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