Historic Churches Working Group Report

The HCWG was set up after disquiet caused by the Fife Presbytery proposal to close many Historic churches in Fife (May 2022). They examined the seven churches that were Grade “A” listed and where “Disposal” had been recommended.

Their conclusion on St Fillan’s (and the other 6 churches) is shown below, the full report is also available.

St Fillan’s Aberdour. This church is celebrating its 900th anniversary this year. It is beautifully situated, with a deeply satisfying sense of proportion, and a simple, pleasing interior. Its space is flexible, with chairs rather than pews. It is very open to a wide variety of uses already, and has good relationships with school and local community organisations. There is a good body of keen members and office-bearers.

On the weight of these considerations, we feel that retention by the Church of Scotland at this time would be of huge benefit to the congregation and parish, and would encourage a more expanded use of the building as an asset for the mission of the church within the parish. Retention comes with the condition that the congregation engage with the Historic Churches Support Group, in preparing by June 2026 (or before) an action plan for the development of the church as an asset for mission.

Crail & St Fillan’s Aberdour – Recommend retention.

Burntisland, Culross Abbey & St Monan’s – Encourage the formation of a local trust to see the building remain in public use.

Cupar Old & PittenweenCannot recommend retention.

Presbytery has accepted the report, however this only means that they will take this into account at the next review of the Presbytery Mission Plan. It is great news, however we still have a way to go before we can say we are safe!

Thank you to the community for your support in preventing ‘disposal’. We will have to meet with the Historic Churches Support Group to work out how we move forward.