Notices for Sunday 4th August

Today the service will be led by Alison Hay. This evening at 7pm is the Festival songs of Praise at St Columba’s

Next week the service will be led by Mark Evans.

  • View the picture of the Royal Party at the Coffee & scones here.
  • Read the latest vacancy update here.
  • Read about Rev Dean Norby & Rev Andrea Fraser leaving.
  • See a video of the Family Fun Week here.
  • See a new photo of the church here – scroll to the bottom.
  • The Giving Page has been updated with the Forthview bank account and Standing Order and Gift Aid Forms.
  • The next St Fillan’s Monthly coffee and scones will be on Thursday 4th September – see here.
  • The latest Reflections from the Pew is available here – looking at the ‘Top Ten’ Characters in the Old Testament (5 men & 5 women). At number 1 is Abraham – did you guess it?