Notices for Sunday 11th August

Today the service will be led by Mark Evans.

Next week the service will be led by Sally Sheail.

  • Remember to collect your used stamps, last year the Church of Scotland raised £15,071.50 – more.
  • ‘Marital Status’ has been added to the Census Data, see how Aberdour compares with Forthview and the rest of Scotland – more.
  • Rev Ewan Ritchie will be joining Fife:Forthview from 25 August as our new Associate Minister – more.
  • View the picture of the Royal Party at the Coffee & scones here.
  • Read the latest vacancy update here.
  • Read about Rev Dean Norby & Rev Andrea Fraser leaving.
  • See a video of the Family Fun Week here.
  • The Giving Page has been updated with the Forthview bank account and Standing Order and Gift Aid Forms.
  • The next St Fillan’s Monthly coffee and scones will be on Thursday 4th September – see here.
  • The latest Reflections from the Pew is available here – now looking at the ‘Top Ten’ Characters in the New Testament. At number 10 is Joseph the husband of Mary.