Notices for Sunday 28th July

Today the service will be led by Kate Wheaton and the St Fillan’s Worship Group.

Next week the service will be led by Alison Hay.

  • Read the latest vacancy update here.
  • Read about Rev Dean Norby & Rev Andrea Fraser leaving.
  • See a video of the Family Fun Week here.
  • See a new photo of the church here – scroll to the bottom.
  • See the list of Aberdour Festival Events taking place in St Fillan’s and St Columba’s churches and the Church Hall here.
  • One of the highlights is the Festival Songs of Praise as St Columba’s on Sunday 4th August at 7pm.
  • The Giving Page has been updated with the Forthview bank account and Standing Order and Gift Aid Forms.
  • The next St Fillan’s Monthly coffee and scones will be on Thursday 1st August – see here.
  • The latest Reflections from the Pew is available here – looking at the ‘Top Ten’ Characters in the Old Testament (5 men & 5 women). At number 2 is Ruth.