Reflections from the Pew 100

As it’s St Fillan’s 900th anniversary I’m looking at Rev. Rutherford’s children’s address, where he talks about the history of the church, this one is for 25th June 1967, here he is talking about the Flowers in the Church. It must have been a special Flower Service.

This morning boys and girls, I would like you to count how many flowers are in the church. Lets make a guess, let us say 1,001. But there are other flowers which are hidden but are here every Sunday.

A fortnight ago I showed you the rose and the lily on the communion table, that makes 1,003. Now you know where to look. On the pulpit in one panel there are five wild roses, that makes 1,008, on another panel there are three passion flowers making 1,011, on another panel are seven lilies making 1,018. The memorial to the Hewitt brothers who died in the war has four roses, making 1,022. the screen in front of the organ loft (besides the grapes and acorns) are 4 daises, 2 passion flowers and 4 flowers which may be roses, giving 1,032.


But look at the St Fillan’s window, in the right hand corner by the Dour Burn is is a path of 10 buttercups, giving 1,042, and on the baptismal window windows where Jesus is sitting by the sea of Galilee are 3 poppy anemones, giving 1,045. And behind me on the window I can’t see by the side of the pilgrim coming from the hospice is a bunch of 6 white Easter lilies giving a total of 1,051!

Since 1973 three new windows have been added giving more flowers including thistles.

To be continued next week.