Reflections from the Pew 104

As it’s St Fillan’s 900th anniversary I’m looking at Rev. Rutherford’s children’s address, where he talks about the history of the church, this one is for 16th July 1967, here he is continuing talking about St Fillan.

Stained Glass Window St Fillan
As I mentioned last week there were several St Fillan’s and their stories may get mixed up. But one is in church today standing at the back with his Crosier  or staff in his hand. This staff is now in the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. it is supposed to have supernatural powers , on of which it could trace anything which had disappeared, cattle or goods. It would be handy to have one of these in your house.

Another story was that he had an arm which gave off light, so at night he could write letters without the use of a candle or lamp. When he died his friends put it in a silver case and for hundreds of years afterwards it was still supposed to work miracles.

King Robert the Bruce revered St Fillan that he carried the arm in the silver case at the head of the battle of Bannockburn to ensure victory. But the Abbot who looked after the arm and case was woried it may get lost in the battle so he removed the arm. At a critical point in the battle when Bruce prayed the case clicked open and shut. After the battle was won they discovered the arm was in the case.

Bruce and is people were very superstitious and we may not believe that story today, but we do believe that when we pray, God can answer. Jesus said “Whatever you ask in my name, that will be given to you.”

Through the ages men and women have found when it times of struggle that Jesus will help you get through.