Reflections from the Pew 116

As it’s St Fillan’s 900th anniversary I’m looking at Rev. Rutherford’s children’s address, where he talks about the history of the church, this one is for 3rd October 1967, here he is talking about another name on the brass memorial – this is another of the good ones – Alexander Scott – dated 1702.

Alexander Scott like Sir John Scott before him was interested in the people. Records show:

Colin Hunter, a poor sick child was allowed seven pence, a week till he should recover.

John Walls a poor sick man to the north end of the parish was allowed two pounds.

A poor man, John Meldrum, was allowed a crown to help him to buy a horse.

Christine, a blind woman got  a pound.

These were all quite large sums and show his concern and that of the elders for the people in need. He was also concerned about the boys and girls who could not attend school and so could not read or write and asked the elders to encourage the children to go to school.

Alexander Scott ministered in Aberdour for twenty years and left it in a better state than he found it.