Reflections from the Pew 128

Over the next few weeks I plan to look at the top ten Old Testament stories starting at number 10, with Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. These stories you may remember from Sunday School, on closer look they are difficult stories so are often forgotten about in Church. 

The story is told in a popular children’s song.

The story is found in Joshua 6 and tells the story of of the Israelites first conquest as they set to win the land of Canaan. God had told Joshua to have his army march round the city for six days blowing their trumpets with the Arc of the Covenant, on the seventh day they gave a big roar and the walls of the city fell down and all the people were slain except for one family who had helped them.

The book of Joshua is not recording history but interpreting history. Its object is to show how God cares for his people, how we sometime have to do someting different, and how the people obeyed God.

When I had this idea I hadn’t realised that Bible Stories could be so difficult. This story reminds us today of the war in Isreal & Gaza.