Reflections from the Pew 151

We are now looking at the top ten characters in the Old Testament. The “top ten” has been modified to include 5 men and 5 women and not include any that then been looked at recently. At number 8 is Deborah – I must admit I knew nothing about her until I did some research.

Her story is found in the book of Judges chapter 4, it can be read in a few minutes.

Deborah – a summary

Deborah is the most unique of the judges in the book. She served Israel as a “prophetess” and spiritual “mother”. Deborah and her commander, Barak, are contrasted with the militarily superior Canaanite forces of Jabin, the king, and Sisera, his commander.

After twenty years’ oppression by Jabin, Deborah and Barak fought a strategic battle in the struggle for control of central and northern Israel. Deborah and Barak’s army was vastly outmatched numerically and technologically (nine hundred iron chariots), but God fought for Israel, and they routed the enemy. Afterward Deborah, accompanied by Barak, led Israel in song to the Lord; she was the only judge to do so.

This is a story of battles, killing and murder which we find very difficult to read today. The main characters are both women Deborah and Jael. Deborah encouraged Barek to fight the Canaanites, and later Jael killed the Canaanite leader.

Some peope see Deborah as a femanists icon where traditional gender roles are challenged. Others see this as a story of ordinary people, with God’s help doing extraordinay things.