Reflections from the Pew 20

Free Church & Manse on OS map 1:1,250/1:2,500 1944-1970
The Royal Mail Christmas stamps alternate between a secular and religious theme, this year they tell the Christmas story.

From the journey of Mary & Joseph on their journey to Bethlehem, to the angels announcing the good news to the shepherds in the feeds, then visiting Mary & Jesus, and finally the wise men travelling to see the new King that has been born.

Following the success of the 2019 paper-cut stamps, the Royal Mail wanted an artist with an unusual style or use of materials.

Free Church & Manse on OS map 1:1,250/1:2,500 1944-1970

The stamps were designed by Argentinian artist Jorge Cocco, who is now in his 80s, paints in a style he calls ‘sacrocubist’ – a way of illustrating sacred events with the stylings of the post-cubist movement.

Cocco’s style essentializes Biblical narratives with vibrant colours and forms that invite viewers into new dialogues with familiar stories.

Do they give you a new perspective on the Christmas story?

Remember the Church of Scotland Used Stamp Appeal, see here for more information .