Reflections from the Pew 63

Continuing to welcome Little White Candle to Aberdour, not only do candles give fragrances, more importantly they give light – here are three stories from the bible. 

God said let there be light (Genesis 1:1-5). In the creation story on the first day God creates light, we may not believe that the world was created in 7 days, but it shows that light is essential, without it there would be no life and it shows that God was there at the beginning.
The most famous parable about light is the saying “Do not hide your light under a bushel” (Matthew 5:14-16). A bushel was a basket used to measure a quantity of grain. The saying is used in many contexts, if you have something important to tell, shout it out do not keep quiet, tell everybody. This is true if you have a great product to sell, or if it the Good News of Jesus.

The third story (John 9) is when healing a man born blind, Jesus says he is the light of the world. He criticises the Jewish leaders for not seeing what is in front of their eyes. He heals the man on the Sabbath and this upsets the leaders even more. Sometimes we do not see what is right, we may need to step back and look with fresh insight.