Reflections from the Pew 88

As it’s St Fillan’s 900th anniversary I’m looking at Rev. Rutherford’s children’s address, where he talks about the history of the church, this one is from 2nd April ’67, where he is looking at daffodils.

Before we step inside the Church, let us pause and admire the daffodils. Last Sunday someone said “aren’t they spreading”. It is six years since a member of the congregation planted them and they continue to multiply. It is the same on St Colme’s drive. This is an example of people doing something where they wouldn’t see the full results but would enrich the lives of those who came after them.

Cherry trees

It is the same with the great trees around here, planted by the Murrays, Morton’s and Stewart who knew they would be in their graves before the trees were more than saplings.

Here in the church yard recently we have had some planting for posterity , one person planted a magnolia tree, two planted a ceanothus, other a fire thorn, and a flowering cherry, others pink hawthorn, hydrangeas and azalea. If you look around the church yard you will have difficulty finding them all.

Today as a nation people always want to see the results of what they do, they are no longer prepared to do things for those who come after.

Some day you are going to die, then the question will be asked – “Did you leave the world a better, a happier, a more beautiful place than you entered it?”