Reflections from the Pew 94

As it’s St Fillan’s 900th anniversary I’m looking at Rev. Rutherford’s children’s address, where he talks about the history of the church, this one is for 14th May 1967, and is talking about the consecration cross.

In the early days of the church there were no churches and the people just gathered together in a room. Later they built special places, they were God’s houses, they were consecrated and set apart for the worship of God.

To make sure no one forgot the purpose for which they had been built they marked them with a cross, not just one but on each wall. There are a few old churches in Fife where they can still be seen and ours is one of them. After the service is over come into the chancel and look to the right of the brass memorial and you will see an old piece of plaster with a circle with a Cross in the middle of it. There is another one, less decipherable on the wall directly opposite.

These Crosses reminded the people of Aberdour that this house was special, it was God’s house.

We do not only put Crosses on Churches. Most of you, when you were small had a Cross marked on your forehead during baptism. That Cross showed that you were special, that you belong to God.

See more on Consecration Crosses on Wikipedia.They can be found in St Monan’s, Holy Trinity St Andrews and Crail Parish Church.