Reflections from the Pew 96

As it’s St Fillan’s 900th anniversary I’m looking at Rev. Rutherford’s children’s address, where he talks about the history of the church, this one is for 28th May 1967, and he is talking about a light bracket.

Every now and again I discover something in this old church I hadn’t noticed before.  This one I normally have my back to but the other day I was sitting waiting for some people to come and see me in the church and I noticed two two small nitches in the corner of the wall. They are hard to see but it doesn’t take much imagination to guess that they were to hold a lamp bracket.

Those narrow windows didn’t let in much light and the monks who conducted the service must have needed light to shine on their book of prayers in the same way as I need a light to shine on the bible.

Now it is not only in the pulpit we need light, when you are home reading a book your mother may say to you put the light on. In the same if you are doing any crafts it is important that you can see what you are doing.

Jesus said he is the light of the world, he meant that he could be a light for everyone, so that we wouldn’t make mistakes, and so that we could see to do things properly. People have found this is true, that what ever they do if they let Jesus shine upon what they are doing they make a better job and make fewer mistakes, and when they let him shine on there dealings with others their quarrels and are kinder.