Weighed down by debt?

We know that Covid has had a very damaging impact on the finances of many households and want to encourage people to seek help as quickly as possible to minimise damage done if they are in debt. You may already be aware of the award winning, free debt service Christians Against Poverty (CAP) provide. We are emailing other local Church leaders to ask them to pass on information about the service to their congregations, and encourage them to tell family and friends about it. The service is not just for Christians!

CAP has been working hard this past year to adjust the way they provide their service to keep staff and clients safe while still providing the same level of service. They also offer a Money Course to help people budget which could be very helpful for anyone not in debt but having to adjust their spending due to reduced income.

If you’d like more information about CAP in general you can visit their website https://capuk.org/  or find them on facebook @CAPScotland and Instagram @ capuk_org If you’d like to find out more about the local Dunfermline Centre, you can contact the Centre Manager, Helene Kelly at helene@capuk.org or on 07432 544851.