Reflections from the Pew 102

As it’s St Fillan’s 900th anniversary I’m looking at Rev. Rutherford’s children’s address, where he talks about the history of the church, this one is for 2nd July 1967, here he is talking about the Organ.

Boys and girls, it is a year since our new organ was installed and we all know the difference it has made to our worship. When it was installed a year ago, I told you how the organ tuner and his assistant spent hours tuning each pipe to the pipe that spoke middle C, and when all tuned they were in tune with each other. It was only then they are able to make music. Unless we are tuned to middle C – Jesus, we cannot live in harmony with each other.
Last Tuesday the Tuner came for his half yearly inspection. He played some notes on the keyboard and some on the pedals and said they were out of tune. I wouldn’t of known but he knew immediately so with his assistant he set about retuning the organ.  It is the same with us, we need retuning to be in harmony with each other.
It is a reminder to us all that we too go out of tune. How sometimes we speak harshly and sharp, and do things which are cutting and piercing and spoil the harmony of life. We to need to be returned to the Master’s note. Coming to worship, reading the bible and prayer are all ways we can keep in tune. Then you will be in tune with others and speak clearly and purely and not add tot he disharmony of the world.

The organ was made possible by the gererosity of four ladies; Miss Agnes Elliot, Miss Agnes & Helen Downie and Miss Ester Gullen. They all worshiped together in St Fillan’s. Today I’m unveiling this simple plaque to remember them.