Reflections from the Pew 133

Over the next few weeks we are looking at the top ten Old Testament stories, here is number 6 – Moses crossing the Red Sea. These stories you may remember from Sunday School, on closer look they are difficult stories so are often forgotten about in Church. 

One of the higlights of the story of Moses is of the Crossing of the Red Sea which is found in Exodus 14. This significant story begins with Moses, who was chosen by God to deliver the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt. Moses confronts Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, and demands the release of the Israelites. After Pharaoh refuses, God sends ten plagues upon Egypt, culminating in the death of the firstborns. The Israelites are spared from this plague by marking their doorposts with the blood of a lamb. Pharaoh finally relents, and Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt. They escape pursued by Pharaoh’s chariots and come to the Red Sea, Moses parts the waters, they cross but the pursuers are drowned. They go on to eventually reach the promised land.

This is an amazing story but probably contained some exaggeration. We may have seen the pictures and film repsentations of Moses crossing the Red Sea.

It has been suggested that the Hebrew words “Yam Suph” mean reed sea rather than Red Sea. There was also a strong east wind which made passage on foot possible, perhaps across a shallow ford in an inland lake with deep water on either side. while the chariots of the Egyptians got stuck in the marshy ground.

However they crossed the Red Sea the story shows that God looks after His people and guides and protects them.