Reflections from the Pew 134

Over the next few weeks we are looking at the top ten Old Testament stories, here is number 5 – Daniel in the Lion’s Den. These stories you may remember from Sunday School, on closer look they are difficult stories so are often forgotten about in Church. 

The term “The Lion’s Den” is used in every day speech, it is used to mean a dangerous or threatening situation The story can be found in Daniel 6. Like the story of the Fiery Furnace, it was written to encourage the Israelites in exile. Daniel was taken from his home country of Israel when he was a young boy (along with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego). He grew up in Babylon and lived through the rise and fall of several kings. Daniel maintained a powerful position through the different kingdoms. When he was an old man a group of other powerful men wanted to get him out of their way so that they could have his position. They convinced the king, who happened to like Daniel greatly, to pass a law that said those who were caught worshiping anyone or anything other than the king would be thrown into a den of lions. These men knew that Daniel prayed publicly several times a day. The king was flattered and he signed the law not thinking about his friend Daniel and his habit of daily prayer.

Daniel was caught praying. The law said he must be thrown in with the lions. Daniel trusted God and God protected him. The next day, to the king’s relief, Daniel was still alive. The king subsequently had the men who thought up the law also thrown into the lion’s den. The Bible says they were eaten by the lions before they could even hit the ground of the pit.

The purpose of this story was to encourage the people to continue with private prayer even when public worship had been forbidden.

It also shows us that we should trust in God and any dangers can be overcome.