Reflections from the Pew 152

We are now looking at the top ten characters in the Old Testament. The “top ten” has been modified to include 5 men and 5 women and not include any that then been looked at recently. At number 7 is Solomon – he is famed for his wisdom.

Solomon’s widsom

Solomon’s first recorded act of wisdom was to settle a tragic conflict between two women of the street. God could have showcased His gift of wisdom by leading Solomon to match wits with high society and world-class minds. Instead, his first act of recorded wisdom was to settle a conflict between two prostitutes. Both had recently given birth to babies of absent fathers. But one of the women had lost her baby through an accidental death and was now claiming to be the real mother of the surviving newborn. The two women appealed to Solomon to settle their dispute. By the unthinkable act of asking for a sword and threatening to “divide the baby,” Solomon was able to find the heart of the real mother (1 Kings 3:16-28). Solomon’s first recorded act of wisdom reminds us that God’s sense of justice and mercy reaches out to people others would dismiss as unworthy.

Solomon reigned in the 10th century BC), he was the son and successor of King David. Nearly all that is known about him comes from the Bible (1 Kings 1–11 and 2 Chronicles 1–9).

Through the efforts of his mother, Bathsheba, and the prophet Nathan, Solomon was anointed king while David was still alive. On accession to the throne, he liquidated his opponents ruthlessly and installed friends in key posts. He established Israelite colonies outside his kingdom’s borders, cooperating with such friendly rulers as the Queen of Sheba to increase commerce. Fortification of his far-flung empire necessitated a vast building program, the crowning achievement of which was the Temple of Jerusalem. He reorganised the nation into 12 tribes. He is said to have had a harem of 700 wives and 300 concubines. His son, Rehoboam caused the northern tribes seceded and formed their own kingdom of Israel, bringing an end to Solomon’s empire. His legendary wisdom is recorded in the Book of Proverbs, and he is traditionally named as the author of the biblical Song of Solomon. He was regarded as the greatest king of Israel.

Once again we see God using people who are not perfect.