Reflections from the Pew 89

As it’s St Fillan’s 900th anniversary I’m looking at Rev. Rutherford’s children’s address, where he talks about the history of the church, there is none for 9th April so instead here are excerpts from the church magazine for January 1949.

Minister’s letter from the Interim Moderator – Rev Robert Dollar rom Dunfermline Abbey
“Mr Rutherford comes to you  with a wide and varied experience. He has a splendid academic career at St Andrews University, and he also exceled in sport.

He served under the colonial committee with tea planters in Assam, and during  the war he was a grand chaplain, and won a most meritorious MC. He was inducted to Bridge Street Church, Alexandria, in 1938, where, apart from the time he was away serving, he exercised a most successful ministry. This month he is being married to an Alexandrian lady, and that the reason why he is asking for a change.”

Wednesday 23rd February 1949, induction of Rev D.W. Rutherford at St Fillan’s Church.
Sunday 27th February Rev Rutherford will be introduced to St Colme’s Church as 11am, and in Dalgety Church at 12:30pm.

Today we think of Unions/Clusters as being new and would a minister want to take on more than one church. Here Rev Rutherford is coming to lead three churches in a Union.